If you’re looking for a new city to call home, White Settlement, TX might be the place for you. This article will provide all of the information about this charming Texas town so that you can make an informed decision before moving there. Information can be found here.

White Settlement, TX is located in Tarrant County and has a population of 20,000 residents.   -The average income per household is $30,000 and the median age of its citizens is 33 years old with 90% of those being married couples who have children at home. See here for information about Kennedale, Texas: What You Need to Know.

There are many things to do in White Settlement, TX including visiting one of their five lakes or going to one of their four parks including Davis Park which features playgrounds and pavilions perfect for family gatherings.

White Settlement, TX is also the hometown of some notable people including country singer Clint Black and actress Sandra Bullock.

A few other perks to living in White Settlement, TX are that crime rates are low, there’s no traffic congestion, it’s a short commute to work, they have great schools with an average graduation rate of 92%, and many more!

There’s plenty in the way of entertainment here such as five lakes and four parks including Davis Park which features playgrounds and pavilions perfect for family gatherings.  It also has an average graduation rate of 92% so chances are your kids will be taken care of while you’re at work- without having to worry about them being alone all day long.