Galveston, Texas

Galveston’s population was 50,446 according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates in 2019, a 5.7% rise from the 2010 count. In Galveston, there were 46.8% of non-Hispanic white people, 18.3% Black or African Americans, 0.5% American Indian or Alaska Natives, 3.2% Asian, 2.5% from two or more races, and 30.2% Hispanic or Latino people of any race. In 2018, there were reportedly 20,920 households, each with an average of 2.20 people. In Galveston, the percentage of homes that are occupied by their owners is 43.6%, while the typical price of an owner-occupied home is $170,100. The median gross rent in the city was $936. The city’s median family income from 2014 to 2018 was $44,902 and its per capita income was $29,733. Demographic changes have also impacted Galveston’s Arts and Culture. The city’s thriving arts scene features works from artists representing different cultures and backgrounds.


Galveston Racial Composition

(NH = Non-Hispanic)

Race Number Percentage
White (NH) 25,386 47.28%
Black or African American (NH) 8,785 16.36%
Native American or Alaska Native (NH) 187 0.35%
Asian (NH) 1,669 3.11%
Pacific Islander (NH) 39 0.07%
Some Other Race (NH) 199 0.37%
Mixed/Multi-Racial (NH) 1,651 3.07%
Hispanic or Latino 15,779 29.39%
Total 53,695


47,743 people, 19,943 homes, and 10,779 families were all counted in the city in the year of the 2010 census. according to U.S. Census data from 2016. The city has a total population of 50,550 according to census estimates. There were 1,159 individuals per square mile in the area. There were 32,368 housing units with a 786 per square mile average density. The city’s population was composed of 62.5% White people, 19.2% Black or African Americans, 0.9% Native Americans, 3.2% Asian people, 0.1% Pacific Islanders, 11.0% people of other races, and 3.3% people who identified as two or more races. Latinos of any race made up 31.3% of the population. There were 19,943 households, of which 14,7% had a female householder without a husband present, 20,7% had children under the age of 18, 34,4% were married couples living together, and 46.0% were not families. One person lived alone who was 65 years of age or older in 10.5% of all homes, which included 36.7% of all households. There were 2.27 people per household and 3.02 people per family on average.

In 2010, there were 23.4% of people in the city under the age of 13, 11.3% between the ages of 13 and 24, 29.8% between the ages of 25 and 44, 21.8% between the ages of 45 and 88, and 13.7% who were 89 or older. The average age was 36. There were 93.4 men for every 100 females. There were 90.4 males for every 100 females aged 13 and older. In the city, the median income for a family was $35,049 and for a household it was $28,895. The median salary for men was $30,150, compared to $26,030 for women. The city’s per capita income was $18,275.

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