Plano, Texas

The city had 285,494 residents as of the 2020 United States Census, living in 107,320 households and 76,211 families. Plano had 259,841 residents as of the 2010 census, up from 80,875 households and 60,575 families in the 2000 census, and 99,131 households and 69,464 families. 3,629.1 persons per square mile (1,400.8/km2) made up the population. At an average density of 1,448.6 per square mile (559.3/km2), there were 103,672 dwelling units.

The city’s population was made up of 67% White people (58.4% of whom were non-Hispanic white), 7.5% Black people, 0.36% Native Americans, 16.9% Asian people (6.5% Asian Indian, 5.2% Chinese, 1.2% Vietnamese, 1.2% Korean, 0.6% Filipino, 0.2% Japanese, 1.9% Other), 0.1% Pacific Islanders, 3.86% people of other races, and 3.0% people who identified as two or more races. 14.7% of the population identified as Hispanic or Latino (10.6% Mexican, 0.5% Puerto Rican, 0.2% Cuban, and 3.5% Other). In 2020, the population’s racial composition was 46.3% non-Hispanic white, 8.77% Black or African American, 0.3% Native American, 24.08% Asian, 0.05% Pacific Islander, 0.47% some other race, 4.0% multiracial, and 16.04% Hispanic or Latino of any race. This increased diversity was in line with national trends.Demographic changes have also impacted Plano Texas Culture.

Plano racial composition as of 2020
(NH = Non-Hispanic)
Race Number Percentage
White (NH) 132,194 46.3%
Black or African American (NH) 25,026 8.77%
Native American or Alaska Native (NH) 845 0.3%
Asian (NH) 68,738 24.08%
Pacific Islander (NH) 133 0.05%
Some Other Race (NH) 1,330 0.47%
Mixed/Multi-Racial (NH) 11,429 4.0%
Hispanic or Latino 45,799 16.04%
Total 285,494

The city had 285,494 residents as of the 2020 United States Census, living in 107,320 households and 76,211 families. Plano had 259,841 residents as of the 2010 census, up from 80,875 households and 60,575 families in the 2000 census, and 99,131 households and 69,464 families. 3,629.1 persons per square mile (1,400.8/km2) made up the population. At an average density of 1,448.6 per square mile (559.3/km2), there were 103,672 dwelling units.

A city’s median household income in 2007 was estimated to be $84,492 and its median family income to be $101,616. 4.3% of the population, including 4.6% of people under the age of 18 and 7.8% of people 65 and over, and about 3.0% of families were living below the poverty line. With over 250,000 residents, Plano had the highest median income in the US in 2007 at $84,492. Plano has the lowest rate of killings among U.S. cities with a population of 250,000 or more, with only four in 2006. There is a sizable Iranian-American community in Plano.


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